Actions to undertake

In order to reach the objectives of the LIFE Ricotí Project, the following actions need to be undertaken:


Action A

Preparatory actions, defining the initial situation and designing specific actions of conservation. This includes information gathering, previous studies on birds, habitat, cattle industry and shepherding, social perception of the Natura 2000 Network and the Dupont’s lark. It also includes identifying action areas and establishing criteria for the management of the SPAs and designing actions of conservation.

Action B

Purchases, rents, loss of profit, aimed at studying loss of income or profit expectations that arose through direct actions of conservation, particularly due to plantation withdrawal and bushes clearing.

Action C

Specific actions of conservation, with four clear objectives: restoring and improving the habitat, improving the cattle breeding infrastructure (through a territorial custody programme), valuing the Dupont’s lark in the region, and defining the criteria for the management of the habitat and the species.

Action D

Following the project’s impact, to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures of conservation, by comparing it to the initial situation and the controlled areas (BACI method). It is planned to carry out a follow-up of the bird population, the habitat (structure, composition and quality) and the social impact of the project, including an analysis of the actors involved and a design aimed at improving the social perception of the species.

Action E

Public information and dissemination of results. Disseminating the project among public administrations, local population, scientific community and public opinion, incorporating the results and drawing conclusions about the conservation strategies nationally and in Castile and León.

Action F

managing the project and carrying out a follow-up of the process.